The route from Middletown, CT to Huntington Beach, CA goes through 13 states for a total of approximately 2,893 miles. To view Department of Transportation Regulations for a particular state, click on the corresponding state in the list with the mileage breakdown.
Route mileage by state
- CT 55
- NY 71
- PA 350
- OH 237
- IN 152
- IL 164
- IA 305
- NE 355
- CO 454
- UT 364
- AZ 29
- NV 127
- CA 236
- Total Miles 2,893 miles
Dry Van Estimate
Flatbed Estimate
PLEASE NOTE: This estimate is provided as a convenience and may be more or less at time of quote. Accurate rates depend on market conditions, freight type, weight, equipment, and other factors. Use the form below to get a quote that is good for 30 days.