Vehicle Shipping Guide

Tracking Your Vehicle

Tracking Your Vehicle

Staying informed about your car’s location during transit provides peace of mind.

Tracking Features

GPS Tracking: Very few companies offer real-time tracking. There are many reasons for this, including driver privacy concerns, multiple other pickup and deliveries not applicable to the shipment in question, practicality of technology integrations, and so on. Most companies will provide updates via phone or email upon request.

FreightSideKick Location Pings: We offer a solution to provide Real-Time GPS Tracking by sending periodic "Location Pings" to the driver who can grant permission to his or her current location. This returns the driver's precise coordinates which is plotted on the tracking map.

You can monitor the progress of your shipment along with GPS updates at any time with the tracking link provided at the time of booking.

FreightSideKick Vehicle Tracking Example